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VA Acronyms 2010 List #8

  • Monday, March 22, 2010 14:22
    Message # 313296

    QA Quality Assurance USTF Uniformed Services Treatment


    Acronym Full Term Description



    Glossary of Acronyms

    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the

    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.

    QAR Quality Assurance Review 07/09/04

    QBE Query by Example 07/09/04

    QBL Qualified Bidders List

    QBL Qualified Bidders List VAASC

    QGNC Quasi-Government Non-Profit Organization 07/09/04

    QI Quality Improvement 07/09/04

    QIO Quality Improvement Organization 06/13/07

    QIS QuIC Information Systems (Workgroup) 07/09/04

    QM Quality Management

    QMAS Quality Measurement Advisory Service 07/09/04

    QMI Quality Management Institute 07/09/04

    QMIC Quality Management Integration Council 07/09/04

    QML Qualified Manufacturers List

    QOL Quality of Life 07/09/04

    QOS Quality of Service 06/13/07

    QPL Qualified Parts List

    QPL Qualified Products List

    QUASAR Quality: Audiology and Speech Pathology Audit and



    QUERI Quality Enhancement Research Initiative Designed to translate research discoveries and

    innovations into better patient care and systems



    QUERI Quality Enhancement Research Initiative The Quality Enhancement Research Imitative (QUERI) is

    mandated to translate research discoveries and

    innovations into better patient care of our nation's

    veterans and VA systems improvement.

    QUIC Quality Improvement Checklist It is designed to enhance VA's accountability system

    within the framework of a continuous quality

    improvement process. System wide comparative data is

    used to analyze and enhance health care services.


    QuIC Quality Interagency Coordination Task Force 07/09/04

    R&D Research and Development 07/09/04

    R/E/E M/E Registration/Eligibility/Enrollment

    Maintenance/Enhancement (Project)


    RACO Research Assurance & Compliance Officer (VISN



    RAD Rapid Application Development A type of software development life cycle. 06/28/07

    RAD Resource Access Design Intended to provide an interface to allow for business

    logic to be removed from direct implementation within

    application logic and encapsulated to provide for

    independent maintenance and reuse.


    RAG Research Advisory Group 07/09/04

    RAI/MDS Resident Assessment Instrument/Minimum Data Set Regulates and standardizes care of patients in nursing

    homes nation- wide.


    RAID Rapid Application Interface Development 07/09/04

    RAM Resource Allocation Model 07/09/04

    RBAC Role-Based Access Control Policy based access control. Access is granted based

    upon membership in a group.


    RBRVS Resource Based Relative Value Schedule 07/09/04

    RBRVS Resource Based Relative Value Scale (Medicare) RBRVS values are weights that are based on the time it

    takes to provide a service or perform a procedure. They

    also reflect the minimum training required to provide a

    given service, this compensates providers for income

    lost during their years of training.

    RC Resident Commissioner 07/09/04

    Acronym Full Term Description



    Glossary of Acronyms

    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the

    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.

    RCA Root Cause Analysis 06/13/07

    RCAC Research Compliance Assurance Contract 07/09/04

    RCC Research Coordinating Center 07/09/04

    RCH Residential Care Home 07/09/04

    RCN Reports Control Number 07/09/04

    RCO Research Compliance Officer (Facility Level) 07/09/04

    RCP Report of Contractors Performance

    RCR Responsible Conduct of Research 07/09/04

    RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

    RCS Readjustment Counseling Service 07/09/04

    RCS Records Control System 07/09/04

    RD Regional Director 07/09/04

    RDBMS Relational Database Management System Any application designed to manage multiple tables of

    data and allow users to establish relationships among

    columns of data.


    RDIS Research and Development Information System

    RDO Regional Division Office 07/09/04

    RDP Regional Data Processing Center 06/28/07

    RDT&E Research, Development, Test & Evaluation

    REAP Research Enhancement Award Programs REAP sites support groups of investigators at VA

    medical centers not affiliated with an HSR&D Center of

    Excellence, but who already have a history of HSR&D

    research and career development funding.


    RECM Registration & Eligiblility, and Contact Management RE and CM projects are part of the OneVA initiatives 07/14/06

    RED Research and Development

    REEM&E Registration/Eligibility/Enrollment Maintenance &

    Enhancements (Project)


    REGO II Reinventing Government - Phase II 07/09/04

    REQ Request for Quotation

    ResDAC Research Data Assistance Center Funded by the Health Care Financing Administration

    (HCFA) to assist researchers in gaining access to and

    understanding of Medicare and Medicaid data that is

    available from HCFA.


    RFA Request for Applications 07/09/04

    RFE Request for Evaluation 07/09/04

    RFI Request For Information 07/09/04

    RFI Request for Information UR Utilization Review

    RFP Request for Proposal 07/09/04

    RFP Request for Proposals USC United States Code

    RFQ Request for Quotation 07/09/04

    RHIA Registered Health Information Administrator 07/09/04

    RIF Reduction in Force A personnel action that may be required due to lack of

    work or funds, changes resulting from reorganization,

    downward reclassification of a position, or the need to

    make room for an employee with reemployment or

    restoration rights.


    RIM Reference Information Model A representation of the business domain of an area of

    interest serving to establish a basis for shared meaning

    (e.g., semantic interoperability) within or across



    RISO Regional Information Security Officer Regional representative of VA Medical Center

    Information Security Officers (ISOs).


    RLOGIN Remote Unix Log-in to Internet 07/09/04

    Acronym Full Term Description



    Glossary of Acronyms

    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the

    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.

    RMC Records Management Center The VA field office located in St. Louis, Missouri which

    is responsible for providing ROs, MCs and National

    Cemetery elements with quality and timely service to

    facilitate claims processing, medical treatment and

    memorial affairs benefits.


    RMEC Regional Medical Education Center 07/09/04

    RMRS Regenstrief Medical Record System 07/09/04

    RO Regional Office A VA field office composed of divisions which carry out

    the functions of VBA. Fifty-eight such offices currently

    exist, with at least one office in every state.


    RO&IC Regional Office and Insurance Center 07/09/04

    ROADS Registry Operations And Data Standards 07/09/04

    ROES Remote Order Entry System This is used for ordering supplies and services from the

    VADDC (VA Denver Distribution Center).


    ROG Remote Office Gateway 07/09/04

    ROI Return On Investment 07/09/04

    ROI Release of Information The disclosure of documents containing patientidentifiable

    information to a third party requester.


    ROM Rough Order of Merit 07/09/04

    RONA Release of Names and Addresses 06/13/07

    RO-OC Regional Office-Outpatient Clinic 07/09/04

    ROQ Review of Quality 06/13/07

    RORC Rehabilitation Outcomes Research Center 06/13/07

    RPC Radiation Policy Council 07/09/04

    RPC Regional Processing Center 07/09/04

    RPC Broker Remote Procedure Call Broker 07/09/04

    RPL Restricted Patient List 07/09/04

    RPM Resource Planning Model 07/09/04



    Resource Planning and Management Committee 07/09/04

    RPMS Resource and Patient Management System 07/09/04

    RR&D Rehabilitation Research and Development 07/09/04

    RRP Rapid Response Project 06/22/07

    RRTP residential rehabilitation treatment program VAST datbase 01/19/07

    RSA Rivest - Shamir - Adleman (encryption algorithm) 07/09/04

    RSNA Radiological Society of North America 07/09/04

    RT Reference Terminology 07/09/04

    RTC Residential Treatment Center

    RTCIS Remote Telepathology Consultation and Imaging



    RTM Reference Terminology Model 07/09/04

    RUG Resource Utilization Group RUG is a validated instrument to measure nursing home

    residents' resource use. There are two primary

    versions: RUG II and RUG III.


    RUM Resource Usage Monitor 07/09/04

    RVS Relative Value Scale 07/09/04


    Ratings Veterans Service Representative, the decision

    maker to your claim

    RVU Relative Value Unit Weighted units of measure that allow for the relative

    comparison between different complexities and mixes

    of procedures.


    Acronym Full Term Description



    Glossary of Acronyms

    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the

    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.

    RVU Relative Value Unit A relative value unit (RVU) is a numeric weight

    assigned to a medical encounter or procedure that

    provides information on its relative resource use.

    S&D Storage and Distribution 07/09/04

    S&DC Service and Distribution Center 07/09/04

    S/MIME Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions An extension to the MIME protocol that supports

    encryption of e-mail messages.


    SAAN Supply Automation Advisory Network 07/09/04

    SAB Standards Advisory Board 07/09/04

    SAC Standards and Conventions 07/09/04

    SACC Standards and Conventions Committee This committee determines the SAC. and approves any

    exemptions if merited.


    SACHRP Secretary's Advisory committee on Human Research



    SAD Service Area Director VA Veterans Administration

    SADBUS Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization

    Specialist VAMC Veterans Administration Medical


    SADR Standard Ambulatory Data Record 07/09/04

    SAE Serious Adverse Event 07/09/04

    SAIAN Survey of American Indians and Alaskan Natives 07/09/04

    SAIC Science Applications International Corporation 07/09/04

    SALES ORDER Sale from the Depot to the Appropriation

    SAM Service Area Manager

    SAMS Somerville Asset Management Service

    SAN Storage Area Network 07/09/04

    SARP Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program 07/09/04

    SAS Statistical Analysis System (a product name) A database management system and database query



    SAT Special Assistance Team 07/09/04

    SATP Substance Abuse Treatment Program This clinic is in ALL Veteran Medical Centers. 02/09/09

    SBA Small Business Administration

    SBIR Small Business Innovative Research (contract)

    SC Service Connected Indicates a Veteran has a service connected disability

    recognized by VA.


    SCA Special Contribution Award 10/11/06

    SCA Service Contract Act

    SCAMC Symposium On Computer Applications In Medical Care 07/09/04

    SCAW Scientists Center for Animal Welfare 07/09/04

    SCD Service Connected Disease A disease incurred in or aggravated by service. 06/28/07

    SCD Spinal Cord Dysfunction Registry 07/09/04

    SCEM Standards, Criterion, Evaluative Algorithms and

    Measuring Instruments


    SCHCS Small Composite Health Care System (DoD) 07/09/04

    SCI Spinal Cord Injury 07/09/04

    SCI/D Spinal Cord Injury/Dysfunction 07/09/04

    SCIF Secure Compartment Information Facility 07/09/04

    SCMI Severely Chronically Mentally Ill 07/09/04

    SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States

    SCVTS Switch Compressed Video Transmission Service 07/09/04

    SDB Small Disadvantaged Business

    SDC System Development Center 07/09/04

    Acronym Full Term Description



    Glossary of Acronyms

    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the

    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.

    SDC Service & Distribution Center

    SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control 07/09/04

    SDO Standards Development Organization 07/09/04

    SDP Service Directed Projects 06/13/07

    SDR Service Directed Research 06/13/07

    SDS Switched Data Service 07/09/04

    SE VA Outpatient File SE refers to the VA Outpatient Event File SE version. It

    is a VA database for outpatient care.

    SEC Screening and Evaluation Committee 07/09/04

    SEER Surveillance Epidemiology and End Result 07/09/04

    SEPG Software Engineering Process Group 07/09/04

    SERIC Seattle Epidemiologic Research and Information



    SERP Systematic External Review Program 07/09/04

    SES Senior Executive Seminar 07/09/04

    SF Standard Form 06/13/07

    SF Standard Form WHO World Health Organization

    SF 26 AWARD Document WHS Washington Headquarters


    SF 30 Amendment to Solicitation/Modification to Contract

    SF 33 Solicitation/Contract Award Document

    SFDI Space and Functional Deficiency Identification System 07/09/04

    SG Surgeon General (plural is Surgeons General)

    SGLI Servicemen's Group Life Insurance 07/09/04

    SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language 07/09/04

    SGT Sergeant

    SHAD Shipboard Hazard and Defense 07/09/04

    SHEP Survey of Healthcare Experience of Patients 06/13/07

    SHG Strategic Healthcare Group 07/09/04

    SHS Society for Health Systems 07/09/04

    SI Severity of Illness

    SIA System Interconnection Agreement 07/09/04

    SIC Standard Industrial Classification

    SIDR Standard Inpatient Data Record 06/22/07

    SIFT Special Inquiry Force Team 07/09/04

    SIG Special Interest Group 07/09/04

    SIN Special Item Number

    SIR Systematic Internal Review 07/09/04

    SISP Strategic Information Systems Plan 07/09/04

    SIUG Special Interest Users Group 07/09/04

    SKU Stock Keeping Unit

    SLIMS Summary List Management Service 07/09/04

    SLIP Serial Line Interface Protocol 07/09/04

    SMAG Special Medical Advisory Group 07/09/04

    SMC Strategic Management Council Established to develop guidelines for VBA’s integrated

    planning/budget process.


    SME Subject Matter Expert 07/09/04

    SMG Strategic Management Group 07/09/04

    SMI Seriously Mentally Ill 07/09/04

    SMI Stanford Medical Informatics 06/13/07

    Acronym Full Term Description



    Glossary of Acronyms

    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the

    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.

    SMI Serious Mental Illness SMI is defined as a diagnosable mental, behavioral, or

    emotional disorder of sufficient duration to meet

    diagnostic criteria specified within the Diagnostic and

    Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), and

    that has resulted in functional impairment that

    substantially interferes with or limits one or more major

    life activities.

    SMITREC Serious Mental Illness Treatment Research and

    Evaluation Center


    SMMR2 Six Month Maintenance Release 2 07/09/04

    SMP Strategic Management Process 07/09/04

    SMR Service Medical Record

    SMRB Scientific Merit Review Board 06/13/07

    SMRTS Service Medical Records Tracking System 06/13/07

    SMS Shared Medical Systems (one of the largest hospital

    software vendors)


    SMSU Survey of Medical System Users 07/09/04

    SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 07/09/04

    SMTP Standard Mail Transfer Protocol

    SNA System Network Architecture An architecture based on the use of microprocessors in

    each major device in a hardware configuration and the

    use of SDLC protocol.


    SNAFU Situation Normal, All Fouled Up

    SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol 07/09/04

    SNOMED Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine 07/09/04

    SNOMED CT Systemized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms A dynamic, scientifically validated clinical reference

    terminology that makes health care knowledge more

    usable and accessible


    SOAP Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan 07/09/04

    SOARS System-wide Ongoing Assessment and Review

    Strategy Program

    Nawtional VA evaluation body. 10/11/06

    SOC Satellite Outpatient Clinic Outpatient clinic under the management of an MC but

    not physically located in a medical center; over 25,000

    visits per year.


    SOC Security Operations Center Operational activities with the primary mission of

    remotely managing and monitoring approved VA

    gateway connections.


    SODV Survey of Disabled Veterans 07/09/04

    SONP Satellite Overlay Network Project 07/09/04

    SOO Statement of Objective 07/09/04

    SOP Standard Operating Procedure 07/09/04

    SOR System of Record 07/09/04

    SOTA State of the Art 07/09/04

    SOV III Survey of Veterans III 07/09/04

    SOW Statement of Work A narrative description of products or services to be

    supplied under contract.


    SOW Statement of Work

    SP Standards Profile 07/09/04

    SPA Single Project Assurance (obsolete -Refer to FWA) 07/09/04

    SPD Supply Processing and Distribution

    SPEC Specification

    SPES Single Photon Emission Scanning 07/09/04

    SPI Single Process Initiative

    SPO Special Projects Office 06/13/07

    SPS SharePoint Server Share point server, more commonly it is MOSS,

    Microsoft Office SharePoint Services.


    Acronym Full Term Description



    Glossary of Acronyms

    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the

    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.

    SPSS Statistical Programs for the Social Sciences 07/09/04

    SPV Subsistence Prime Vendor

    SQA Software Quality Assurance Defines and implements software quality into the

    process and encompasses systematic activities that

    provide evidence that the product meets the customers’

    expectations, in terms of use and the associated quality



    SQC Statistical Quality Control A system for evaluating, promoting and maintaining a

    high level of quality in services and end products.


    SQL Structured Query Language A standard language for retrieving information from

    database management systems.


    SR Service Request 07/09/04

    SRC Systems Resources Corporation 07/09/04

    SRCO Systems Redesign Coordinator Position that provides oversight and leadership for the

    implementation, spread, and maintenance of Systems

    Redesign processes and techniques across services.


    SREB Scientific Review and Evaluation Board 07/09/04

    SRM Strategic Ranking Model 07/09/04

    SRR System Requirements Review 07/09/04

    SRS Software Requirements Specification Outlines the detailed functional, hardware,

    communication, interface, memory, and implementation

    requirements for a project.


    SRSC Systems Redesign Steering Committee Committee responisble for overseeing the VHA Systems

    Redesign Program.


    SRT System Review Team 07/09/04

    SSA Social Security Administration 07/09/04

    SSAA System Security Authorization Agreement 07/09/04

    SSAC Source Selection Advisory Council

    SSC Support Services Centers 07/09/04

    SSEB Source Selection Evaluation Board

    SSL Secure Socket Layer 07/09/04

    SSM Software Service Manager 07/09/04

    SSN Social Security Number 07/09/04

    SSN Social Security Number The nine-digit Social Security number is used by the

    U.S. federal government to track workers' contributions

    to the Social Security retirement system. Because it is

    unique to each individual, it is widely used as a

    personal identification number. Most VA healthcare

    databases identify patients by their true SSNs or by

    scrambled versions of them.

    SSO Standard Setting Organization (HIPAA abbreviation) 07/09/04

    STAIR Sites of Temporarily Augmented Ionizing Radiation 07/09/04

    STAR Statistical and Technical Accuracy Report 06/13/07

    STAT Supported Treadmill Ambulation Training 07/09/04

    STEP Secure Technology Evaluation Project 07/09/04

    STM Short Term Model 07/09/04

    STS Soft Tissue Sarcoma 07/09/04

    SVAC Senate Veterans Affairs Committee 07/09/04

    SVH State Veterans Homes 07/09/04

    SWARS Social Work Automated Reporting System 07/09/04

    SWIMS Social Work Information Management System 07/09/04

    SWRI Southwest Research Institute 07/09/04

    T for C T for C Termination for Convenience (T4C)

DOD Welcome home-small.jpg A welcoming home for our Troops.

Welcoming home our men and women doesn't end after the crowd disperses, it MUST continue on for the life of the Veteran! They've served us, now we will serve them with programs that work so they reintegrate into society.

We are a national public benefit nonprofit organization that educates American Communities about best practices to serve Veterans.  We honor their service by empowering Veterans to apply their training and skills to successfully transition to productive careers and enterprises.

We provide free vocational training 24/7 to all of our members through our website, in addition to local events.  We believe the tenet that American Communities are the ultimate beneficiaries when Veterans claim their benefits and invest in productive endeavors.

The SWVBRC enlists the support of members of local Communities like you to increase Veteran awareness of the value of obtaining a VA card and receiving earned benefits.

Sponsorships, donations, volunteers and support from communities like yours enable us to reach out to Veterans and empower them to transition back into successful, productive enterprises that ultimately benefit all Americans and support future generations.

The Internal Revenue Service has determined that Southwest Veterans' Business Resource Center, Inc. is an organization exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. A donation to SWVBRC, Inc. is deductible to the extent permitted under law.

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