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VA Acronyms 2010 List #2

  • Monday, March 22, 2010 14:09
    Message # 313282
    C UNIX Programming Language
    C&P Compensation & Pension 07/09/04
    C&P Credentialing & Privileging 07/09/04
    C&V Construction and Evaluation A case management and tracking system that manages
    construction monitoring and property valuation actives.
    C+ C, a general-purpose programming language 07/09/04
    C31 Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence
    C3PO Chief, Policy, Planning and Performance Office 07/09/04
    CA Certificate Authority 07/09/04
    CA Commercial Activities
    CAAC Civilian Agency Acquisition Council
    CAAS Contract Advisory and Assistance Services
    CAAT Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing 07/09/04
    CAB Compliance Advisory Board 06/06/07
    CAC Clinical Application Coordinator 06/06/07
    CAC Cost Adjusted Charges Charges obtained from hospital bills or discharge data
    are frequently higher than actual costs. One can adjust
    the charges by multiplying reported charges by a
    department-level cost-to-charge ratio. We refer to the
    adjusted charges as cost-adjusted charges (CAC).
    CAD Coronary Artery Disease 07/09/04
    CAD/CAM Computer Assisted Design/Computer Assisted
    CAFC Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
    CAIS Computer Automated Information System 07/09/04
    CALM Centralized Accounting for Local Management This is the VA's on line, real time computer oriented
    accounting system.
    CALS Computer-aided Acquisition & Logistics System
    (formerly Prosthetics Distribution Center)
    CANCOR Cancer Care and Outcomes Research and Surveillance
    CAO Chief Administrative Officer 07/09/04
    CAP Capital Asset Plan 07/09/04
    CAP College of American Pathologists 07/09/04
    CAP Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program Office
    CAPA Corrective and Preventative Action 07/09/04
    CAPER Compensation And Pension Evaluation Redesign 07/09/04
    CAPOC Computer Assisted Practice of Cardiology (DoD) 07/09/04
    CAPPS Computer Assisted Payments Processing System 07/09/04
    CAPRI Compensation and Pension Records Interchange 07/09/04
    CAR Defense Acquisition Regulation
    CARES Capital Asset Realignment for Enhanced Services National initiative to ensure its health care system
    meets the needs of veterans today and in the future
    Administrative, Reporting, and
    Acronym Full Term Description
    Glossary of Acronyms
    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the
    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.
    CARF Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation
    A private not-for-profit organization that sets quality
    standards, evaluates quality of services, and accredits
    rehabilitation facilities.
    CARG Clinical Application Requirements Group 07/09/04
    CAROLS Centralized Accounts Receivable On-Line System 07/09/04
    CARP Consolidated Accommodations Acquisition Program
    Information System
    CARS Centralized Accounts Receivable 07/09/04
    CAS Content Access Service (formerly Clinical Observation
    Access Service)
    CAS Cost Accounting Standards
    CASB Cost Accounting Standards Board
    CASE Computer Assisted Software Engineering 07/09/04
    Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT Scan, Radiology
    CAT Computer Audio Teleconferencing With CAT training, faculty and participants at sites
    remote from one another dial into an audio bridge over
    conventional phones. Thus, the persons may interact
    with each other, and can be logged on to the same
    computer for instruction.
    CAT Computerized Aril Topography 07/09/04
    CAT Computerized Axial Tomography 07/09/04
    CATI Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview 07/09/04
    CAVC Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
    CBA Clinical Business Area 07/09/04
    CBC Community Based Clinic 07/09/04
    CBC Construction Battalion Center
    CBD Chief Benefits Director 07/09/04
    CBD Commerce Business Daily
    CBI Compliance and Business Integrity 07/09/04
    CBO Central Business Office 07/09/04
    CBO Congressional Budget Office 07/09/04
    Community Based Outpatient Clinic; A facility
    generally providing access to outpatient health care
    An outpatient clinic in an outlying community. The clinic
    is part of a larger Veterans Administration Hospital but
    due to the physical distance many more veterans may
    be better served by having serves closer to their
    CBRF Community Based Residential Facility 07/09/04
    CBSE Component Based Software Engineering 07/09/04
    CCA Clinger-Cohen Act The Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-106)
    assigns the Chief Information Officer (CIO) with the
    responsibility to develop, maintain and facilitate the
    implementation of an enterprise architecture.
    CCB Change Control Board 07/09/04
    CCC Clinical Coordinating Center 07/09/04
    CCC Cost Containment Center 07/09/04
    CCC Central Call Center
    CCDOR Center for Chronic Disease Outcomes Research 06/06/07
    CCDR Contract Cost Data Report Regulation Supplement
    CCHT Care Coordination/Home Telehealth 10/02/08
    CCLR Claims Collection Litigation Report
    CCO Community Collaboration Office 07/09/04
    Acronym Full Term Description
    Glossary of Acronyms
    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the
    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.
    CCOW Clinical Context Object Workgroup A context management standard owned by HL7 used to
    coordinate access across multiple [workstation client]
    CCPC Consolidated Co-payment Processing Center 07/09/04
    CCQAS Centralized Credentials and Quality Assurance System 07/09/04
    CCRM Care Coordination Resource Management 06/06/07
    CCS Clinical Classifications Software CCS is a tool for clustering patient diagnoses and
    procedures into clinically meaningful categories. This
    software was developed by the Agency for Healthcare
    Quality and Research [link:]
    CD ROM Compact Disk Read-Only Memory 07/09/04
    CDA Clinical Document Architecture A document markup standard that specifies the
    structure and semantics of "clinical documents" for the
    purpose of exchange.
    CDAs Cost Distribution Accounts The VA Cost Distribution Report includes patient care
    departments such as medicine, admitting screen, or
    ambulatory surgery. It also includes indirect
    departments such as building management.
    Expenditures for these departments are listed in cost
    distribution accounts (CDAs)
    CDC Centers for Disease Control 07/09/04
    CDCI Corporate Data Center COOP Initiative 07/09/04
    CDCP Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    CDD Central Data Dictionary
    CDI Chronic Disease Index 07/09/04
    CDL Central Dental Lab 07/09/04
    CDMRP Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs 07/12/07
    CDQR Clinical Data Quality Review 07/09/04
    CDR Clinical Data Repository (now: Health Data Repository
    CDR Cost Distribution Report The CDR contains estimates of the costs expended by
    each patient care department in a VA medical center.
    Costs are distributed into Cost Distribution Accounts
    CDRL Contract Data Requirements List
    CD-ROM Compact Disk Read-Only Memory 07/09/04
    CDS Clinical Data Service 06/06/07
    CDSS Clinical Decision Support System 07/09/04
    CDW Corporate Data Warehouse 07/09/04
    CE Continuing Education 07/09/04
    CEB Clinical Executive Board 06/06/07
    CEC Continuing Education Center 07/09/04
    CEHIST Center for Evaluation of Healthcare Information
    Systems & Technology
    CEIEBP Center of Excellence on Implementing Evidence-Based
    CEIP CHCS Engineering Improvement Program
    CEIS Corporate Executive Information System 07/09/04
    CEMHOR Center for Mental Healthcare and Outcomes Research 06/06/07
    CEN Annual Patient Census 07/09/04
    CEN European Committee for Standardization (Committee
    European de Normalization)
    CEO Chief Executive Officer 07/09/04
    Acronym Full Term Description
    Glossary of Acronyms
    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the
    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.
    CEOB CEOB CHAMPUS Explanation of Benefits
    Explanation of Benefits
    CEOC CEOC CHAMPUS Explanation of Check
    Explanation of Check
    CF Conversion Factor
    CFD Corporate Franchise Data Center (Now: Austin
    Information Technology Center AITC)
    Claims File or Claims Folder, the materials and
    evidence gathered about you and your claim
    CFO Chief Financial Officer 07/09/04
    CFO Chief Financial Officer DIDS Defense Integrated Data
    CFP Clinical Financial Planner 07/09/04
    CFR Code of Federal Regulations The Secretary's rules and regulations are contained in
    Title 38 of the Code of Federal Regulations (38 CFR).
    CG CG Comptroller General
    CGI Computer Graphics Interface
    CHALENG Community Homelessness Assessment Local Education
    and Networking Groups
    CHAMPUS Civilian Health & Medical Program of the Uniformed
    CHAMPVA Civilian Health & Medical Program of the Department
    of Veterans Affairs
    Medical benefits program through which the VA
    provides treatment in a VA facility or helps pay for
    medical care obtained from civilian sources for eligible
    dependents and survivors of veterans.
    CHAS Contract for Advisory and Assistance Services
    CHCBP Continuing Health Care Benefits Program
    CHCE Center for Health Care Evaluation 06/06/07
    CHCM Comprehensive Health Care Management
    CHCS Composite Health Care System (DoD) An automated information system supporting the
    administration and delivery of health care at
    Department of Defense (DoD) Medical Treatment
    Facilities (MTF) throughout the world.
    Composite Health Care System -VistA - Data Sharing
    Interface (now: BHIE)
    CHDR Clinical Data Repository/Health Data Repository
    (Interoperability Project)
    CHEC Community Health Education Center 07/09/04
    CHEP Cooperative Health Education Program 07/09/04
    CHERP Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion 06/06/07
    CHF Congestive Heart Failure 07/09/04
    CHI Consolidated Health Informatics 07/09/04
    CHIACC Creating HealtheVet Informatics Applications for
    Collaborative Care
    CHIM Center for Healthcare Information Management 07/09/04
    CHIME College of Healthcare Information Management
    CHIN Community Health Information Network 07/09/04
    CHIO Chief Health Informatics Officer Represents VA on regional, national and international
    informatics and manages high interest clinical programs
    e.g.,My HealtheVet and Bar Code Resource.
    CHIP Coalition for Health Information Policy 07/20/07
    CHIPS Consumer Health Information & Performance Set An initiative to develop a VISN wide information system
    for decision support, performance measuring and
    population studies.
    Acronym Full Term Description
    Glossary of Acronyms
    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the
    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.
    CHIR Consortium for Healthcare Informatics Research 02/07/08
    CHIS Center for Healthcare Information Security 07/09/04
    CHISS Common Health Information Security Service 07/09/04
    CHKM Center for Healthcare Knowledge Management 06/06/07
    CHQOER Center for Health Quality, Outcomes, and Economic
    CHR Consolidated Health Record 06/06/07
    CHR Consolidated Health Record A CHR is created and maintained for every individual
    that is treated or assessed within a VA Medical Center.
    It is a medical record that documents the diagnosis and
    treatment of the patient, and an administrative record.
    CHSRPC Center for Health Services Research in Primary Care 06/06/07
    CI Commercial Integrator 07/09/04
    CICA Competition In Contracting Act
    CICSP Continuous Improvement In Cardiac Surgery Program 07/09/04
    CIDC Clinical Indicators Data Capture Software intended to capture patient treatment data in
    order to increase revenue from third-party payers and
    to provide electronic inputs for the forthcoming Patient
    Financial Services System (PFSS)-a Congressionally
    mandated project.
    CIDD Common Intrusion Detection Director 07/09/04
    CIDER Center for Information Dissemination and Education
    CIO Chief Information Officer 07/09/04
    CIOFO Chief Information Office Field Office 07/09/04
    CIONTEO Chief Information Office National Training and
    Education Office
    CIP Capital Investment Proposal 07/09/04
    CIR Corporate Information Repository 07/09/04
    CIRC Central Incident Response Capability 07/09/04
    CIRN Clinical Information Resources Network 07/09/04
    CIRN-CR CIRN-Clinical Repository 07/09/04
    CIRN-CR Clinical Information Resources Network Clinical
    CIS Clinical Information System 07/09/04
    CISSP Certified Information System Security Professional 07/09/04
    CITI CHAMPVA In-house Treatment Initiative 07/09/04
    CITI Collaborative IRB Training Initiative 07/09/04
    CITPO Clinical Information Technology Program Office 07/09/04
    CKD Chronic Kidney Disease 06/06/07
    CLA Customer License Agreement 07/09/04
    CLC Community Living Center (formerly: NHCU) Provides resident-centered care. The name change
    demonstrates the commitment of VA to accommodate
    the age-specific needs of the new cohort of OEF/OIF
    veterans seeking long or short term care.
    CLIA Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment 07/09/04
    CLIN Contract Line Item Number
    CLS Clinical Lexicon Consortium Provides psychiatric consultations and education to nonpsychiatrist
    physicians, assists medical and surgical
    teams, and refers appropriate patients to Mental
    CM Case Management or Case Manager (replaced by DAR
    and the FAR)
    Acronym Full Term Description
    Glossary of Acronyms
    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the
    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.
    CMAC CHAMPUS Maximum Allowable Charges 07/09/04
    CMC Consolidated Medical Center 07/09/04
    CMC3 Center for Management of Complex Chronic Care
    (formerly: Midwest Center for Health Services and
    Policy Research MCHSPR)
    Conducts high quality research that will translate into
    improved patient and health outcomes for veterans and
    the nation.
    CMCCC Center for Management of Complex Chronic Care
    (CMC3) (formerly MCHSPR)
    Formerly MCHSPR 02/19/07
    CMCHS Civilian Military Contingency Hospital System 07/09/04
    CMD Chief Medical Director 07/09/04
    CMIT Current Medical Information and Terminology 07/09/04
    CMOP Consolidated Mail Outpatient Pharmacy This software is fed mail out prescription data, then it
    interfaces with highly automated prescription
    dispensing equipment.
    CMOR CIRN Master of Record 07/09/04
    CMR Consolidated Memorandum of Receipt The facility’s non-expendable property inventory. 06/25/07
    CMS Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (previously
    CMS is a federal agency within the U.S. Department of
    Health and Human Services. CMS is responsible for the
    Medicare program and works with the States to run
    Medicaid [link:].
    CMSA Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area 07/09/04
    CMT Centralized Means Test 07/09/04
    CNA Clinical Nurse Administrator 07/09/04
    CNE Certified Network Engineer 07/09/04
    CNH Community Nursing Home 07/09/04
    CNH Contract Nursing Home 07/20/07
    CNHC Community Nursing Home Care 07/09/04
    CNO Chief Network Officer 07/09/04
    CO Central Office 07/09/04
    CO Contracting Officer or Central Office Department
    COACH Center on Advice & Compliance Help The person serving as the supervisor of a work team.
    Rather than giving team members instruction as would
    a traditional supervisor, the coach provides guidance
    and direction to the team in its decision-making
    COAS Clinical Observation Access Control An interface specification in IDL defining a common
    access mechanism for the retrieval of information
    content within a distributed infrastructure.
    COB COB Coordination of Benefits
    COBRA Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of
    Ensures medical coverage for individuals who are
    temporarily no longer covered under the umbrella of
    medical insurance coverage.
    COC Continuity of Care 06/06/07
    COC Certificate of Competency
    COCB Contracting Officer's Certification Board
    COCO Contractor-Owned/Contractoroperated
    COCP Contracting Officer's Certification Program
    CODSIA Council of Defense and Space Industry Associations
    COE HSR&D Centers of Excellence 06/06/07
    COG Clinical Oversight Group 07/09/04
    COG Continuity of Government The principle of establishing defined procedures that
    allow a government to continue its essential operations
    in case of a nuclear war or other catastrophic event.
    COJ Clinic of Jurisdiction 07/09/04
    COLA Cost-0f-Living Adjustment Annual raise of cost of living 07/17/08
    Acronym Full Term Description
    Glossary of Acronyms
    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the
    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.
    COLMR Center for Organization, Leadership, and Management
    Columbia HCA Columbia Health Care Corporation 07/09/04
    COM+ Component Object Model + 07/09/04
    CONOPS Concept of Operations 07/09/04
    COO Chief Operations Officer 07/09/04
    COOP Continuity of Operations 07/09/04
    COPAFS Council of Professional Associations on Federal
    COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease COPD is comprised primarily of two related diseases:
    chronic bronchitis and emphysema. In both diseases,
    the flow of air through the airways and out of the lungs
    is obstructed. The condition is permanent and worsens
    over time.
    COR Copy of Record 07/09/04
    COR Contracting Officer's Representative
    CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture 07/09/04
    CORBA/OMA Common Object Request Broker Architecture/Object
    Management Architecture
    COROA Center for Outcomes Research in Older Adults 06/06/07
    COS Chief of Staff 07/09/04
    COTH Council of Teaching Hospitals 07/09/04
    COTR Contracting Officer's Technical Representative 07/09/04
    COTR/COR Contracting Officers Technical Representative
    COTS Commercial Off The Shelf Commercially available applications sold by vendors
    through public catalogue listings. COTS software is not
    intended to be customized or enhanced.
    COTS Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (applications) 07/09/04
    COVERS Control of Veterans Records System
    COVES Cost and Value Tradeoffs 06/06/07
    CPA Cooperative Project Assurance 07/09/04
    CPAF Cost-Plus-Award-Fee (contract)
    CPC Center for Palliative Care 06/06/07
    CPCM Certified Professional Contract Manager
    CPEP Compensation and Pension Examination Project 07/09/04
    CPFF Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee (contract)
    CPGS clinical practice guidelines Methods to improve care processes within VA and DoD
    medical facilities.
    CPHB Center for Patient Healthcare Behavior 06/06/07
    CPI Consumer Price Index The CPI measures the price paid by consumers for a
    fixed group of goods and services. Changes in the CPI
    over time constitute a common measure of inflation.
    CPIC Capital Planning and Investment Control A decision-making process for ensuring that IT
    investments integrate strategic planning, budgeting,
    procurement, and the management of IT in support of
    agency missions and business needs.
    CPIF Cost-Plus-Incentive-Fee (contract)
    CPIRI CPIRI CHAMPUS Price Inflation Reimbursement Index
    Price Inflation Reimbursement Index
    CPM Critical Path Method Obtains information and data to identify, manage, and
    resolve project problems. Minimizes legal disputes and
    establishes realistic construction project duration(s).
    Acronym Full Term Description
    Glossary of Acronyms
    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the
    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.
    CPMOR Center for Practice Management & Outcomes Research 06/06/07
    CPOE Computerized Physician Order Entry 07/09/04
    CPR Computerized Patient Record 07/09/04
    CPR Cost Performance Report 3rd Edition, Revised
    CPRI Computer-Based Patient Record Institute 07/09/04
    CPRI-HOST Computerized Patient Record Institute-Healthcare
    Open Systems and Trials
    CPRS Computerized Patient Record System The people, data, rules and procedures, processing and
    storage devices, and communication and support
    facilities that provide and maintain computer-based
    patient record information.
    CPS Claims Processing System Computer system being developed by VBA to identify
    and obtain the evidence required to make a decision on
    a disability claim from a veteran.
    CPSC Cardiac Pacemaker Surveillance Center 07/09/04
    CPSR Contract Procurement System Review
    CPT Common Procedure Terminology A coding system primarily used to encode outpatient
    procedures for billing and reimbursement purposes.
    CPT Current Procedural Terminology CPT codes are five-digit numbers used to represent the
    universe of medical and psychiatric services given to
    patients. They are revised each year to reflect advances
    in medical technology. The 2002 revision contained
    8,107 codes and descriptors. VA uses CPT codes to
    identify ambulatory care procedures only; ICD-9 codes
    are used for inpatient procedures.
    CPU Central Processing Unit 07/09/04
    CPU Central Processing Unit DTF Dental Treatment
    CQI Continuous Quality Improvement A methodology intent on meeting or exceeding
    customer requirements by continuous improvement and
    innovation in products, processes, and services.
    CQIR Center for Quality Improvement Research 06/06/07
    CRADA Collaborative Research and Development Agreements 07/09/04
    CRADO Chief Research & Development Officer 07/09/04
    CRAG Contractor Risk Assessment Guide
    CRC CHAMPUS Records Center
    CRCOE Clinical Research Centers of Excellence 06/06/07
    CRI CRI CHAMPUS Reform Initiative
    CRI CHAMPUS Reform Initiative
    CRIISP Center for Research in the Implementation of
    Innovative Strategies in Practice
    CRIS CRIS CHAMPUS Regional Intermediary System
    Regional Intermediary System
    CRSP Centralized Regional Scheduling Program 07/09/04
    CRT Crisis Response Team 07/09/04
    CRT Cathode Ray Tube
    CRUD Create, Read, Update, and Delete 06/06/07
    CS Cost Sharing 9type of contract)
    CSA Common Services Architecture 07/09/04
    CSC Contract Service Center
    CSCSC Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria
    Acronym Full Term Description
    Glossary of Acronyms
    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the
    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.
    CSE Customer Service Environment 07/09/04
    CSHPB Center for the Study of Healthcare Provider Behavior 06/06/07
    CSI Congressional Special Interest Medical Research
    Encompasses breast, prostate, and ovarian cancers,
    neurofibromatosis, military health, and other specified
    CSO Cyber Security Office 07/09/04
    CSP Cooperative Studies Program 06/06/07
    CSPCC Cooperative Studies Program Coordination Center 07/09/04
    CSR Customer Service Representative
    CSR&D Clinical Science Research and Development 06/13/07
    CSRA Civil Service Reform Act 07/09/04
    CSSR Cost /Schedule Status Report
    CSWRI Center for the Study of War Related Injuries 06/13/07
    CTF Chloracne Task Force 07/09/04
    CTI Computer/Telephone Integration 07/09/04
    CTO Chief Technology Officer 06/13/07
    CUE Clear and Unmistakable Evidence
    CVO Credential Verification Organization
    CWAD Crisis Notes, Warning Notes, Allergies and Directives 07/09/04
    CWM Common Warehouse Meta-model An OMG standard specification for exchanging data
    warehouse and business intelligence metadata between
    CWS Cold Weather Syndrome Breathing problems caused later in life by military
    personnel who served in severe cold weather climates
    for long durations of time.
    CWT/IT Compensated Work Therapy/Incentive Therapy 07/09/04
    D&F Determination Findings
    D&PPM Drug & Pharmaceutical Products Management This module allows each facility to collect and print
    pharmacy statistics. It can provide information on
    facility, regional, and national product use on monthly,
    quarterly, and annual intervals.
    D/SIDDOMSII D/SIDDOMSII Defense Medical Information
    DAA Designated Accrediting Authority 07/09/04
    DAC Defense Acquisition Circular (formerly DPC)
    DACA Distributed Access Control and Authorization 07/09/04
    DAR Data Architecture Repository Allows users to utilize the repository for registering
    Data Architecture artifacts, establishing relationships,
    querying, conducting analyses on data, reporting status
    / statistics and creating visual expressions.
    DAR Defense Acquisition Regulation
    DARC Defense Acquisition Regulatory Council
    DAS Data Architecture Service Its purpose is to inform the EAC of the ongoing
    establishment of a Data Architecture Service in the
    Office of Enterprise Architecture Management.
    DAS Dental Activity System 07/09/04
    DAS Deputy Assistant Secretary 07/09/04
    DASD Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
    DASD Direct Access Storage Device
    DASHO Designated Agency Safety and Health Official 07/09/04
    DAV Disabled American Veterans 07/09/04
    DAWIA Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act
    Acronym Full Term Description
    Glossary of Acronyms
    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the
    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.
    DBA Data Base Administrator In VistA, the person who monitors name spacing
    conventions and other procedures that enable various
    VistA packages to coexist within an integrated database
    DBIA Database Integration Agreement The DBA maintains a list of DBIA's or mutual
    agreements between package developers allowing the
    use of integral entry points or other package-specific
    features that are not available to the general
    programming public.
    DBIC Data Base Integration Committee Within the purview of the DBA, the committee
    maintains a list of DBIC-approved callable entry points
    and publishes the list on FORUM for reference by
    application programmers and verifiers.
    DBMS Data Base Management System A system used to store, retrieve, and manipulate data
    in an organized (modeled) fashion.
    DBMS Data Base Management System
    DBSS Defense Blood Standard System 07/09/04
    DCA Delayed Continuing Accreditation 07/09/04
    DCAA Defense Contract Audit Agency
    DCAAM Defense Contract Audit Agency Audit Manual
    DCAI Defense Contract Audit Institute
    DCAS Defense Contract Administration Service
    DCASR Defense Contract Administration Service Region
    DCC Data Consent Committee (HIPAA abbreviation) 07/09/04
    DCE Distributed Computing Environment Provides security services to protect and control access
    to data, name services that make it easy to find
    distributed resources, and a highly scalable model for
    organizing widely scattered users, services, and data.
    DCHV Domiciliary Care for Homeless Veterans 07/09/04
    DCIO Deputy Chief Information Officer 06/13/07
    DCISMA Defense Contract Administration Service Area
    DCkSMO Defense Contract Administration Service Office
    DCM Department Cost Manager 07/09/04
    DCMA Defense Contract Management Area
    DCMAO Defense Contract Management Area Operations
    DCMC Defense Contract Management Command a
    department-wide centralized data base
    DCMD Defense Contract Management District
    DCN Defense Logistics Agency Corporate Network
    DCRB Design Change Review Board 07/09/04
    DD Department of Defense (form no's)
    DD 1149 Order for Supplies and Services
    DD 1411 Certified Cost and Pricing Data
    DD 1412 Catalog Pricing Exemption Regulation
    DD 1423 Contract Data Requirements List
    DD 1664 Data Item Description
    DD 254 Contract Security Specification
    A discharge document providing confirmation of
    military service and many details of service.
    DDC Denver Distribution Center 07/09/04
    DDCSS Drug Dependence Clinical Support System 07/09/04
    DEA Drug Enforcement Agency 07/09/04
    DEARS Department of Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation
    Acronym Full Term Description
    Glossary of Acronyms
    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the
    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.
    DEARS Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
    DEC Dental Education Center 07/09/04
    DECC Defense Enterprise Computing Center 07/09/04
    DEERS Defense Enrollment Eligibility System 07/09/04
    DEMPS Disaster Emergency Medical Personnel System 07/09/04
    DES Digital Encryption Standard Allows only hardware implementations of the U.S.
    Government official data encryption algorithm.
    DESC Defense Electronic Supply Center
    DFC Discharge From Clinic 07/09/04
    DHCP Decentralized Hospital Computer Program A hospital information system developed by the
    Veterans Health Administration starting in 1977.
    DHHS Department of Health and Human Services 07/09/04
    DIAS Defense Finance Accounting System
    DIB Data Integrity Board 07/09/04
    DIC Dependency and Indemnity Compensation Rate paid to the spouse and/or children surviving the
    death of a veteran
    DICOM Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine 07/09/04
    DIDS DIDS Defense Integrated Data System
    DIMHRS Defense Integrated Military Health Resource System 07/09/04
    DIMHRS Defense Integrated Military Human Resources System Correction to listed acronym, Department of Defense
    only recognizes the above listed breakout for the
    DIMHRS acronym.
    DIPEC Defense Industrial Plant Equipment Center
    DISA Defense Information Systems Administration 07/09/04
    DISC Defense Logistics Support Center
    DISH Defense Information Systems Agency
    DIT Development Integration Testing 07/09/04
    DLA Defense Logistics Agency
    DMC Debt Management Center Responsible for generating reports concerning
    overpayments created and recovered as a result of
    award or stop actions processed by regional offices.
    DMDC Defense Manpower Data Center Maintains the largest archive of personnel, manpower,
    training, and financial data in the Department of
    DME Development/Maintenance/Enhance ment 07/09/04
    DME Durable Medical Equipment
    DMIM Defense Medical Information Management 07/09/04
    DMLIS Defense Medical Logistics Information System
    DMLSS Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support 07/09/04
    DMMS Decentralized Medical Management System 07/09/04
    DMMS Decision Medical Management System 07/09/04
    DMMSC Defense Medical Systems Support Center 07/09/04
    DMO Directives Management Officer 07/09/04
    DMPA Defense Medical Programs Activity
    DMRIS Defense Medical Regulating Information System 07/09/04
    DMSSC Defense Medical Systems Support Center 07/09/04
    DNR Do Not Resuscitate 07/09/04
    DNS Domain Name Server 07/09/04
    DO Delivery Order
    DO Delivery Order LOCO Government Owned, Contractor
    Acronym Full Term Description
    Glossary of Acronyms
    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the
    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.
    DoD Department of Defense The federal agency responsible for the management of
    members of the United States Armed Forces, to include
    the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard.
    DoDHA Department of Defense Health Affairs
    DOEHDR Defense Occupational Exposure Health Data
    DOHRS Defense Occupational Health Readiness System 07/12/07
    DOJ Department of Justice
    DOL Department of Labor A federal agency which is the funding source for the
    Veterans Employment and Training Service (VETS).
    DOM Domiciliary (under management of medical center) 07/09/04
    DOMP Delivery Order Management Plan 07/09/04
    DORS Department Of Rehabilitation Service 07/09/04
    DPC Drug Program Coordinator 07/09/04
    DPDB Division of Practitioner Data Banks 07/09/04
    DPPB Distribution Population Planning Base 07/09/04
    DPSC Defense Personnel Support Center
    DQA Division of Quality Assurance 07/09/04
    DR Data Repository 06/13/07
    DRA Designated Research Area 06/13/07
    DRE Designated Research Element 06/13/07
    DRG Diagnosis Related Group Patient classification system based upon the patient's
    diagnosis or procedure. Each DRG is based upon an
    allocation of consumption of resources.
    DRG Diagnosis Related Group Diagnostic Related Group The DRG system is an
    inpatient classification system based on several factors:
    principal diagnosis; secondary diagnosis; surgical
    factors; age; sex; and discharge status. Under the
    Medicare prospective payment system, hospitals are
    paid a set fee for treating patients in a single DRG
    category, regardless of the actual cost of care for the
    DRM Dental Record Manager 07/09/04
    Decision Review Officer; The DRO is a senior
    individual with authority to review and revise
    adjudications made by others.
    DRR Division of Research Resources 07/09/04
    DRRB Data Request Review Board 06/22/07
    DSARC Defense Systems Acquisition Review Council
    DSCC Documentation Standards and Conventions Committee 07/09/04
    DSCM Data Standardization Configuration Management
    DSCMB (DoD) Data Standards Configuration Management
    D-SIDDOMS II Defense Medical Information Management/Systems
    Integration, Design, Development,b Operations, and
    Maintenance Services II
    DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
    DSM Digital Standard Mumps 07/09/04
    DSMB Data Safety Monitoring Boards 06/22/07
    DSM-III R Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
    Acronym Full Term Description
    Glossary of Acronyms
    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the
    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.
    DSM-III R DSM-III R Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
    DSMO Designated Standard Maintenance Organization
    (HIPAA abbreviation)
    DSO Decision Support Objects 07/09/04
    DSOIRM Designated Senior Official for IRM 07/09/04
    DSS Decision Support Service A computer based information system that is designed
    with the purpose of improving the processes and
    outcomes of human decision making.
    DSS Document Storage Systems 07/09/04
    DSS Decision Support System The VHA Decision Support System (DSS) is an
    automated management information system that tracks
    health care utilization (VHA workload) and assigns an
    approximate cost to it. Each VA facility has a separate
    implementation of DSS. The source of DSS data are the
    VISTA systems at each VA facility. On a quarterly basis,
    DSS staff at the VA Austin Automation Center extract
    data from the DSS systems at each facility. After
    creating additional data fields, they create a series of
    extracts that cover all VA facilities.
    DSS-W Defense Supply Service - Washington
    DT&E Development Test and Evaluation 07/09/04
    DTC Day Treatment Center 07/09/04
    DTD Document Type Definition 07/09/04
    DTF DTF Dental Treatment Facilities
    DTS Document Tracking System (OCIO controlled
    DTV Digital Television 07/09/04
    DUA Data Use Agreement 04/15/05
    DUR Drug Utilization Review 07/09/04
    DUSD(L) Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Logistics)
    DUSH Deputy Under Secretary for Health 07/09/04
    DUSH A/O Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Administration
    and Operations
    DUSHOM Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Operations and
    DVA Department Veterans Affairs 07/09/04
    DVBIC Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center A multi-site medical care, clinical research and
    education center that enhances the quality,
    appropriateness, timeliness, and cost-effectiveness of
    treatment delivered to military and veteran
    beneficiaries with TBI.
    E&M Evaluation and Management E&M is a set of CPT codes that refer to Evaluation and
    Management services.
    E/R Entity Relationship 07/09/04
    E3R Electronic, Error and Enhancement Report 07/09/04
    EA Enterprise Architecture An integrated framework that enables the evolution and
    maintenance of existing information technology systems
    and guides future technology acquisitions.
    EAC Enterprise Architecture Council 07/09/04
    EAC Estimate at Completion (cost) (formerly known as
    EAP Employee Assistance Program
    EB Executive Board 07/09/04
    EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code 07/09/04
    EBQID Evidence-Based Quality Improvement for Depression 06/13/07
    Acronym Full Term Description
    Glossary of Acronyms
    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the
    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.
    EC Emerging Care 07/09/04
    EC Event Capture 07/09/04
    EC Electronic Commerce
    EC Electronic Commerce (a.k.a. E-Commerce)
    EC CCB Emergency Care Change Control Board 07/09/04
    ECAT Electronic Catalog 07/09/04
    ECC Extended Care Center 07/09/04
    ECF Executive Career Field A Performance Plan measure of Research Compliance
    that provides guidance for conducting audits and
    reporting audit results to the Office of Research
    Oversight (ORO) concerning requirements for informed
    consent of human subject research.
    ECG Electrocardiograph
    ECI Enterprise Communications Initiative 06/27/07
    ECI Electronic Commerce Interchange
    ECP Engineering Change Proposals 07/09/04
    ECSIP Enterprise Cyber Security Infrastructure Project 07/09/04
    Erectile Dysfunction; The inability to achieve and
    maintain an erection suitable for sexual intercourse.
    ED Emergency Department 07/09/04
    EDB Enrollment Database 07/09/04
    EDD Electronic Data Dictionary 07/09/04
    EDI Electronic Data Interchange The inter-organizational, computer- to-computer
    exchange of structured information in a standard,
    machine-processable format.
    EDI/MRA Electronic Data Interchange/Medical Reform Act 07/09/04
    EDIS Electronic Data Imaging System
    EDM Executive Decision Memorandum 07/09/04
    EDMS Electronic Data Management System 07/09/04
    EDP Electronic Data Processing 06/13/07
    EDR Event Driven Reporting 07/09/04
    EDS Electronic Data Systems 07/09/04
    EDSS Expanded Disability Status Scales 07/09/04
    EDW Enterprise Data Warehouse A data/content repository that contains integrated,
    cross- functional, and historical data.
    EEG Electroencephalograph
    EEO Equal Employment Opportunity Equal opportunity in employment for all persons;
    prohibiting discrimination in employment because of
    race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or
    EEOC Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
    EES Employee Education System 07/09/04
    EFAV Enhanced Failsoft Access for VISTA 07/09/04
    EFDA Expanded Function Dental Auxiliaries 07/09/04
    EHR Electronic Health Record 07/09/04
    EHRA Electronic Health Record Architecture Provides the structure for the formal electronic health
    record, and can serve as the evidential record
    (assuming that sufficient context and security are
    EHRI Electronic Health Records Interoperability 07/09/04
    EHRP Electronic Health Records Plan 07/09/04
    EIB Enterprise Information Board 07/09/04
    EIL Equipment Inventory Listing 07/09/04
    Acronym Full Term Description
    Glossary of Acronyms
    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the
    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.
    EIN Employer Identification Number 07/09/04
    EIS Executive Information System
    EKG electrocardiogram 07/09/04
    ELISA Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assays 07/09/04
    EMC Enterprise Management Committee 07/09/04
    EMC Enterprise Management Concept 07/09/04
    EMC Electronic Media Claims
    EMFSO Engineering Management and Field Support Office 07/09/04
    EMI Electromagnetic Interference 07/09/04
    EMME Engineering Acquisition Materiel Management &
    EMPB Emergency Mobilization Preparedness Board 07/09/04
    EMPI Enterprise Master Patient Index 06/13/07
    EMPO Emergency Medical Preparedness Office 07/09/04
    EMR Electronic Medical Record 07/09/04
    EMRSS Emergency Management and Resource Sharing
    EMS Environmental Management Services 12/31/08
    EMSHG Emergency Management Strategic Healthcare Group 07/09/04
    EMT Executive Management Team 07/09/04
    EO Executive Order
    EOB Explanation of Benefits 07/09/04
    EOC Episode of Care 07/09/04
    EOC Explanation of Checks
    EOQ Economic order quantity
    EP End Product (claims control)
    EP Expert Panel Task oriented group created and dissolved as needed
    by ARG.
    EPA Environmental Protection Agency 07/09/04
    EPI Emerging Pathogens Initiative 07/09/04
    EPM Enterprise Project Management 07/09/04
    EPMS Enterprise Project Management Software 07/09/04
    EPPS Evaluation of the Enhanced Prospective Payment
    EPR Electronic Patient Record 07/09/04
    EPRI Electronic Patient Record Interface 07/09/04
    EPRP External Peer Review Process This package generates a list of patients for review of
    care by an outside review group.
    EPTS Existing Prior to Service Suggests Veterans disability was present before they
    entered active duty service.
    ER Electronic Record 07/09/04
    ERB External Review Board 06/13/07
    ERIC Education Research Information Center 07/09/04
    ERMIS External Review Management Information System This system tracks reports, action plans, and
    recommendations from the Joint Commission on
    Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO),
    Office of Inspector.
    ERT Enterprise Reference Terminology 07/09/04
    ESA Enterprise Systems Architecture 06/22/07
    ESG Environmental Support Group 07/09/04
    ESI The name of a company 07/09/04
    Acronym Full Term Description
    Glossary of Acronyms
    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the
    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.
    ESM Enterprise Systems Management This office is part of the Office of Health Information
    (OHI). Its purpose is to work collaboratively with other
    OI components and VHA Program Offices to develop,
    implement and monitor the comprehensive portfolios of
    IT systems.
    ESM Enterprise Systems Manager 06/22/07
    ESMC Enterprise System Management Committee 07/09/04
    ESMO Enterprise Systems Management Office Works collaboratively with other OHI components and
    VHA Program Offices to develop requirements to
    implement and monitor the comprehensive portfolios of
    IT systems used by VHA.
    ESN Electronic Security Number 04/18/08
    ESP Evidence-Based Synthesis Project Provides timely and accurate syntheses of targeted
    health care topics of particular importance to VA
    managers and policymakers—and to disseminate these
    reports throughout VA
    ESS Enterprise Support Solution 07/09/04
    ETA Enhanced Time and Attendance System 07/09/04
    ETC Education and Training Center 07/09/04
    ETCS Electronic Transactions and Code Sets 07/09/04
    ETMR Electronic Theater Medical Record 07/09/04
    ETS Enterprise Tactical Support 07/09/04
    EUCOM European Command
    EVA Electronic VA 07/09/04
    EVS Enterprise VistA Support 06/13/07
    EWOS European Workshop on Open Systems

DOD Welcome home-small.jpg A welcoming home for our Troops.

Welcoming home our men and women doesn't end after the crowd disperses, it MUST continue on for the life of the Veteran! They've served us, now we will serve them with programs that work so they reintegrate into society.

We are a national public benefit nonprofit organization that educates American Communities about best practices to serve Veterans.  We honor their service by empowering Veterans to apply their training and skills to successfully transition to productive careers and enterprises.

We provide free vocational training 24/7 to all of our members through our website, in addition to local events.  We believe the tenet that American Communities are the ultimate beneficiaries when Veterans claim their benefits and invest in productive endeavors.

The SWVBRC enlists the support of members of local Communities like you to increase Veteran awareness of the value of obtaining a VA card and receiving earned benefits.

Sponsorships, donations, volunteers and support from communities like yours enable us to reach out to Veterans and empower them to transition back into successful, productive enterprises that ultimately benefit all Americans and support future generations.

The Internal Revenue Service has determined that Southwest Veterans' Business Resource Center, Inc. is an organization exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. A donation to SWVBRC, Inc. is deductible to the extent permitted under law.

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