Milpitas Veterans Commission added two alternate members last week to the nine-member advisory body dedicated to aiding Milpitas' military veterans returning from war.

Milpitas City Council unanimously approved without discussion March 2 the mayoral appointments of Robert F. McGuire and Liliana Ramos to the nine-member commission. McGuire is a retired U.S. Air Force veteran and Ramos is retired from the Air Force and California Air National Guard.

Last fall, Mayor Bob Livengood proposed that a new volunteer commission be formed and dedicated to assisting Milpitas' veteran population in health care, job searches and other forms of family assistance.

The mayor suggested that a seven-member body with two alternates serve three-year terms.

As alternate members, McGuire and Ramos join the seven appointments council approved in recent weeks.

The regular commission, comprised of veterans and active duty service members, includes Dana Arbaugh, Bruce Choy, Arthur Ebright, David Grundstrom, Mel Hinshaw, Juan Samano, and former mayor and Korean War veteran Denny Weisgerber.

All appointees are to serve terms that expire in February 2013.

During the same meeting, the council unanimously approved the mayor's recommendation to appoint Councilwoman Debbie Giordano as the council liaison to the new veterans commission.

"I just have always had an interest in veterans groups," Giordano said, adding that her father served in the Air Force. "Their service to the country


and sacrifice is what impresses me."

Giordano said Livengood requested that she represent the council on the new commission.

Milpitas Veterans Commission is expected to hold its first meeting at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 7 at the first-floor committee conference room at Milpitas City Hall, 455 E. Calaveras Blvd.

Contact Ian Bauer at or 408-262-2454